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Registrato: febbraio 2014
Nato il 19 febbraio 1980
" Ho un segreto Ognuno ne ha sempre uno dentro. Ognuno lo ha scelto o l'ha spento. Ognuno volendo e soffrendo "
"Malala" is the new Rabbi Darkside's single
Our world is afire. Our heroes are fallible. Fear is a drug. Terror is a tool of manipulation. Corporate media is fueling divisiveness and propagating dangerous myths. Politics have failed. History is repeating itself before our eyes and too many opt for silence and complacency in the name of misguided self-interest. With Malala, Rabbi Darkside asks, “Where do we turn for leadership in times like this, when times like this are… all the time?” His answer is threefold: find inspiration in the lives and work of those whose stories have become lore, near legend. Those who have survived incomprehensible acts of hatred and violence and have done so with love as their weapon of choice. Secondly, look at our own lives and the warriors who populate our personal landscapes. Celebrate the heroes and heroines on the groundfloor, on our blocks, in our schools, in our families and cyphers; those whose daily existence is an act of revolution and whose work is fueled by a passion to transform and heal. Thirdly, we must find that light in ourselves. Follow the lead of these remarkable humans till the point when you choose to manifest leadership by example. Because at the end of the day, it is only with action that we effect change, only through experience that we learn and only with love that we win the war against humanity.
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